Company Overview
Background of Principals

The Five Points Management Group, LLC. is a management company seeking market penetration into the restaurant industry within the greater Columbia, South Carolina metropolitan area. The Five Points Management Group will apply numerous operational as well as marketing strategies to gain entry within the targeted sector. These strategies will serve as a catalyst for FPMG in creating a distinctive niche within the market place.

The Five Points Management Group was founded through the initial investor’s research into the early 1800’s New York City neighborhood called “The Five Points”. This area historically evokes images of diversity as well as a period of amazing creativity. Additionally, the area served as the destination for many immigrants relocating to America in search of a better life. Interestingly, through the many dancehalls located in “The Five Points”, the dance form of  “tap dancing” was created by African-Americans and Irish immigrants. Similar to this union of camaraderie and diversity, FPMG wishes to capture and cultivate such an environment espousing urban renewal through spirited, diverse socializing.

Armond K. Alford
Managing Partner
T. Todd Pigford
Managing Partner